The senior honours board recognises all those players that have made a century or taken five wickets (or better) in a senior cricket match.
Batting – Centuries
Jake White | 153* | 1st August 2015 | H | Hook & Southborough |
Jamal Butt | 130* | 14th June 2003 | H | Old Walcountians |
Jordan Bond | 129* | 28th August 2021 | H | Shepperton |
Chris Fewson | 126* | 14th May 2022 | A | Godalming |
Kulbir Gill | 126* | 8th June 2008 | H | Deando Ruxley |
Jordan Bond | 124 | 15th June 2019 | A | West End (Esher) |
Nick Procter | 122 | 9th July 2016 | H | Horley |
Tahir Latif | 122 | 17th August 2013 | A | Old Tiffinians |
Farid Butt | 117 | 16th May 2009 | A | Chobham |
Tahir Latif | 116* | 22nd August 2009 | H | Effingham |
Jamal Butt | 115* | 7th June 2014 | A | Old Pauline |
A Khan | 112* | 28th May 2007 | H | Southbank |
Tahir Latif | 110* | 28th August 2010 | H | Old Suttonians |
Jamshaid Malik | 110 | 12th June 2004 | H | Roehampton |
Tahir Latif | 109 | 19th June 2010 | A | Old Tiffinians |
Farid Butt | 108* | 20th July 2002 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Farid Butt | 107 | 9th June 2007 | A | Byfleet |
Tahir Latif | 107* | 30th May 2009 | H | Horley |
Joel Stroud | 105 | 25th July 2020 | H | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Jake White | 104 | 16th August 2014 | A | Merton |
Farid Butt | 101* | 17th August 2013 | A | Old Tiffinians |
Kyle Hollingworth | 100* | 21st June 2014 | H | Merton |
Jamshaid Malik | 100* | 25th June 2003 | H | Southern Railway and Kenley |
Tahir Latif | 100 | 10th July 2010 | A | Ewhurst |
Farid Butt | 100 | 2nd Sept 2006 | H | Byfleet |
J Carr | 134 | 30th May 1992 | H | Godalming |
Mal Russell | 125 | 30th May 2015 | A | Englefield Green |
Dave Parker | 123* | 7th August 2004 | A | Blackheath |
Jake Raffaelli | 121* | 8th May 2021 | H | Claygate |
Jake White | 119 | 11th August 2012 | H | Long Ditton |
Joel Stroud | 116 | 2nd June 2018 | H | Ham & Petersham |
Adam Iqbal | 115 | 6th August 2022 | A | West End (Esher) |
Alec Muggleton | 111 | 9th July 2022 | H | Whiteley Village |
Dave Mottershead | 109 | 18th June 2005 | A | Sinjun Grammarians |
Mal Russell | 108 | 28th June 2016 | A | Hook & Southborough |
Asad Iqbal | 107* | 24th July 2004 | A | Byfleet |
Asad Iqbal | 107* | 5th June 2004 | H | Old Rutlishians |
Andy Berry | 103* | 24th July 2021 | A | Whiteley Village |
Matthew Dixon | 101* | 9th May 2015 | H | Hook & Southborough |
Chris Fewson | 130* | 9th July 2017 | A | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Harrison Green (age 16) | 127* | 27th August 2016 | H | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Chris Fewson | 125* | 21st June 2015 | H | Dorking |
Will Farnsworth | 123* | 5th June 2022 | H | Stunners |
Joseph Roberts | 118* | 22nd July 2018 | A | Loxwood |
Chris Fewson | 117 | 24th July 2016 | H | Holmbury St Mary |
Jake Raffaelli | 111 | 9th May 2021 | A | Peper Harow |
Chris Fewson | 108* | 1st Sept 2013 | H | Holmbury St Mary |
Adam Burlison | 107* | 16th June 2013 | H | Capel |
Chris Fewson | 107* | 25th June 2017 | H | Holmbury St Mary |
Chris Fewson | 107* | 17th June 2018 | A | Loxwood |
Joseph Roberts | 107 | 12th June 2022 | A | Westfield Saints |
Adam Iqbal | 106 | 13th June 2021 | H | Westcott |
Harrison Green (age 17) | 100* | 30th April 2017 | H | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Chris Fewson | 200* | 2nd August 2015 | H | Wisley Southside |
Martin Keay | 126 | 7th May 2017 | A | Ockham |
Jeff Hardman | 120* | 22nd May 2011 | H | Abinger |
Harrison Green (age 16) | 116* | 10th July 2016 | H | Bookham |
Jamie Goodman | 116 | 12th August 2012 | H | Wisley Southside |
Harrison Green (age 15) | 112 | 5th July 2015 | A | Mickleham |
Michael Ford | 108* | 18th May 2008 | H | Bookham |
Jamie Goodman | 105 | 22nd August 2010 | H | Seven Sports |
Faird Butt | 105* | 8th June 2002 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Andrews | 103 | 8th June 1969 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Chris Fewson | 102* | 02/07/2017 | A | Mickleham |
Josh Farrell | 102* | 01/07/2018 | A | Mickleham |
Jake White | 101* | 1st May 2011 | A | Ockham |
Josh White | 101 | 3rd July 2011 | A | Mickleham |
Tom Kendall | 100* | 7th August 2011 | H | Wisley Southside |
Tom Kendall | 100 | 1st July 2012 | A | Mickleham |
Josh Farrell | 100 | 9th Sept 2012 | H | Bookham |
Chris Fewson | 100 | 13th Sept 2015 | A | Bookham |
Tahir Latif | 122* | 14th April 2012 | A | Horsley & Send |
Chris Fewson | 120* | 4th August 2019 | H | President’s Day – “Overs” XI |
Martin Keay | 104* | 28th August 2017 | H | Jolly Wallabies |
Jake White | 101* | 24th May 2014 | A | Coldharbour |
Kyle Hollingworth | 100* | 21st July 2013 | H | Chairmans XI |
- Men's 1st XI
Jake White 153* 1st August 2015 H Hook & Southborough Jamal Butt 130* 14th June 2003 H Old Walcountians Jordan Bond 129* 28th August 2021 H Shepperton Chris Fewson 126* 14th May 2022 A Godalming Kulbir Gill 126* 8th June 2008 H Deando Ruxley Jordan Bond 124 15th June 2019 A West End (Esher) Nick Procter 122 9th July 2016 H Horley Tahir Latif 122 17th August 2013 A Old Tiffinians Farid Butt 117 16th May 2009 A Chobham Tahir Latif 116* 22nd August 2009 H Effingham Jamal Butt 115* 7th June 2014 A Old Pauline A Khan 112* 28th May 2007 H Southbank Tahir Latif 110* 28th August 2010 H Old Suttonians Jamshaid Malik 110 12th June 2004 H Roehampton Tahir Latif 109 19th June 2010 A Old Tiffinians Farid Butt 108* 20th July 2002 H Stoke D’Abernon Farid Butt 107 9th June 2007 A Byfleet Tahir Latif 107* 30th May 2009 H Horley Joel Stroud 105 25th July 2020 H Worplesdon & Burpham Jake White 104 16th August 2014 A Merton Farid Butt 101* 17th August 2013 A Old Tiffinians Kyle Hollingworth 100* 21st June 2014 H Merton Jamshaid Malik 100* 25th June 2003 H Southern Railway and Kenley Tahir Latif 100 10th July 2010 A Ewhurst Farid Butt 100 2nd Sept 2006 H Byfleet - Men's 2nd XI
J Carr 134 30th May 1992 H Godalming Mal Russell 125 30th May 2015 A Englefield Green Dave Parker 123* 7th August 2004 A Blackheath Jake Raffaelli 121* 8th May 2021 H Claygate Jake White 119 11th August 2012 H Long Ditton Joel Stroud 116 2nd June 2018 H Ham & Petersham Adam Iqbal 115 6th August 2022 A West End (Esher) Alec Muggleton 111 9th July 2022 H Whiteley Village Dave Mottershead 109 18th June 2005 A Sinjun Grammarians Mal Russell 108 28th June 2016 A Hook & Southborough Asad Iqbal 107* 24th July 2004 A Byfleet Asad Iqbal 107* 5th June 2004 H Old Rutlishians Andy Berry 103* 24th July 2021 A Whiteley Village Matthew Dixon 101* 9th May 2015 H Hook & Southborough - Women's 1st XI
Chris Fewson 130* 9th July 2017 A Worplesdon & Burpham Harrison Green (age 16) 127* 27th August 2016 H Worplesdon & Burpham Chris Fewson 125* 21st June 2015 H Dorking Will Farnsworth 123* 5th June 2022 H Stunners Joseph Roberts 118* 22nd July 2018 A Loxwood Chris Fewson 117 24th July 2016 H Holmbury St Mary Jake Raffaelli 111 9th May 2021 A Peper Harow Chris Fewson 108* 1st Sept 2013 H Holmbury St Mary Adam Burlison 107* 16th June 2013 H Capel Chris Fewson 107* 25th June 2017 H Holmbury St Mary Chris Fewson 107* 17th June 2018 A Loxwood Joseph Roberts 107 12th June 2022 A Westfield Saints Adam Iqbal 106 13th June 2021 H Westcott Harrison Green (age 17) 100* 30th April 2017 H Worplesdon & Burpham - Sunday XI
Chris Fewson 200* 2nd August 2015 H Wisley Southside Martin Keay 126 7th May 2017 A Ockham Jeff Hardman 120* 22nd May 2011 H Abinger Harrison Green (age 16) 116* 10th July 2016 H Bookham Jamie Goodman 116 12th August 2012 H Wisley Southside Harrison Green (age 15) 112 5th July 2015 A Mickleham Michael Ford 108* 18th May 2008 H Bookham Jamie Goodman 105 22nd August 2010 H Seven Sports Faird Butt 105* 8th June 2002 A Stoke D’Abernon Andrews 103 8th June 1969 H Stoke D’Abernon Chris Fewson 102* 02/07/2017 A Mickleham Josh Farrell 102* 01/07/2018 A Mickleham Jake White 101* 1st May 2011 A Ockham Josh White 101 3rd July 2011 A Mickleham Tom Kendall 100* 7th August 2011 H Wisley Southside Tom Kendall 100 1st July 2012 A Mickleham Josh Farrell 100 9th Sept 2012 H Bookham Chris Fewson 100 13th Sept 2015 A Bookham - Club XI
Tahir Latif 122* 14th April 2012 A Horsley & Send Chris Fewson 120* 4th August 2019 H President’s Day – “Overs” XI Martin Keay 104* 28th August 2017 H Jolly Wallabies Jake White 101* 24th May 2014 A Coldharbour Kyle Hollingworth 100* 21st July 2013 H Chairmans XI
Adam Burlison
Former Club Captain
“To achieve a milestone of 100 runs in a single innings, at any level, requires skill, application and determination.
Many congratulations to all those that have achieved this feat and I look forward to many more joining the list.”
Bowling – Five Wicket Hauls
Azhar Abbas | 9 for 36 | 19th June 2004 | H | Sanderstead |
Farid Butt | 9 for 44 | 28th July 2007 | A | Wandgas |
Azhar Abbas | 8 for 18 | 28th August 2004 | A | Staines |
Azhar Abbas | 8 for 21 | 5th June 2004 | A | Haslemere |
Azhar Abbas | 8 for 24 | 21st May 2005 | A | Sanderstead |
Azhar Abbas | 8 for 31 | 15th May 2004 | H | Frimley |
Azhar Abbas | 8 for 48 | 20th August 2005 | H | Staines |
Adam Burlison | 8 for 51 | 19th July 2014 | H | Englefield Green |
Moazzam Ali | 8 for 52 | 31st May 2003 | A | Chobham |
Nick Procter | 8 for 55 | 23rd July 2016 | H | Sheen Park |
Moazzam Ali | 8 for 65 | 5th July 2003 | A | Weybridge Vandals |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 19 | 27th August 2005 | A | Weybridge Vandals |
Craig Hayward | 7 for 24 | 5th June 2021 | H | Guildford City Youth Project |
T Cousins | 7 for 25 | 26th June 1999 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Matthew Dixon | 7 for 31 | 5th July 2014 | H | Old Tiffians |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 36 | 21st August 2004 | H | Old Tiffians |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 40 | 24th July 2004 | H | Byfleet |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 40 | 28th May 2005 | H | Godalming |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 45 | 7th May 2005 | A | Frimley |
Dom Brown | 7 for 57 | 12th June 2021 | A | Woodmansterne |
Azhar Abbas | 7 for 62 | 3rd Sept 2005 | A | Valley End |
Nick Procter | 6 for 7 | 16th July 2016 | A | Chobham |
Anthony Brown | 6 for 10 | 3rd June 2018 | A | Morden |
Asim Iqbal | 6 for 19 | 25th June 2011 | H | Hampton Hill |
Moazzam Ali | 6 for 34 | 9th July 2005 | A | Albury |
Farid Butt | 6 for 37 | 20th July 2002 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Azhar Abbas | 6 for 40 | 11th June 2005 | H | Byfleet |
Salman Butt | 6 for 42 | 4th June 2011 | H | Deando Ruxley |
Azhar Abbas | 6 for 46 | 3rd July 2004 | A | Godalming |
Azhar Abbas | 6 for 48 | 14th August 2004 | A | Old Alleynians |
Farid Butt | 6 for 51 | 4th August 2007 | H | Godalming |
Will Sowerby | 6 for 51 | 30th August 2008 | H | Caterham |
Azhar Abbas | 6 for 52 | 18th June 2005 | H | Sinjun Grammarians |
Kubir Gill | 6 for 55 | 7th June 2003 | A | Old Pauline |
Zia Ul Hasan | 6 for 60 | 26th August 2006 | A | Valley End |
Mumtaz Ali | 6 for 68 | 18th May 2002 | A | Valley End |
Dom Brown | 6 for 71 | 8th May 2022 | H | Lingfield |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 5 | 18th August 2018 | H | Frimley |
Alan Attenborough | 5 for 6 | 17th June 1995 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Dom Brown | 5 for 8 | 11th May 2019 | H | Ham & Petersham |
Alex Cooper | 5 for 9 | 17th July 2021 | A | Claygate |
Nick Procter | 5 for 10 | 15th August 2015 | H | Ewhurst |
Zia Ul Hasan | 5 for 16 | 8th July 2006 | H | Kempton |
Nick Procter | 5 for 18 | 13th May 2017 | A | Mitcham |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 21 | 24th July | H | Putney |
Dom Brown | 5 for 21 | 14th August | H | Woodmansterne |
Chris Fewson | 5 for 22 | 8th August 2020 | A | Ripley |
Chris Fewson | 5 for 24 | 28th Augsut 2021 | H | Shepperton |
Chris Fewson | 5 for 25 | 1st August 2020 | H | Godalming |
Nick Procter | 5 for 25 | 11th July 2015 | A | Merton |
Dom Brown | 5 for 25 | 6th August 2016 | A | Woodmansterne |
Matthew Dixon | 5 for 25 | 10th August 2013 | H | Ewhurst |
Peter Kooner | 5 for 26 | 5th May 2002 | A | Southbank |
Dominic Pope | 5 for 26 | 28th August 2010 | H | Merrow |
Nick Procter | 5 for 28 | 4th July 2015 | A | Old Tiffians |
Henry Grant | 5 for 28 | 26th June 2010 | H | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 28 | 13th August 2011 | H | Long Ditton |
Caleb Whitefoord | 5 for 28 | 2nd September 2017 | H | Ripley |
Farid Butt | 5 for 31 | 26th July 2003 | A | Roehampton |
Alex Cooper | 5 for 32 | 1st Sept 2018 | H | Old Tenisonians |
A Khan | 5 for 33 | 2nd Sept 2006 | H | Byfleet |
Josh White | 5 for 34 | 13th July 2013 | A | Merton |
Moazzam Ali | 5 for 34 | 30th July 2005 | A | Roehampton |
Adam Burlison | 5 for 35 | 25th July 2015 | A | Englefield Green |
Kyle Hollingworth | 5 for 35 | 1st June 2013 | A | Horley |
Farid Butt | 5 for 36 | 12th July 2003 | H | Leatherhead |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 36 | 21st July 2018 | A | Ripley |
Craig Hayward | 5 for 38 | 26th June 2021 | A | Shepperton |
Nick Procter | 5 for 38 | 20th June 2015 | A | Ewhurst |
J Sewerby | 5 for 38 | 2nd August 2008 | H | Byfleet |
Charlie Forbes | 5 for 41 | 15th July 2017 | H | Thames Ditton |
Dom Brown | 5 for 42 | 20th July 2019 | H | Merton |
Kyle Hollingworth | 5 for 43 | 2nd June 2012 | H | Putney |
Salman Butt | 5 for 49 | 21st May 2011 | A | Wandgas |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 52 | 1st June 2019 | A | Teddington Town |
Moazzam Ali | 5 for 53 | 6th Sept 2003 | A | Carshalton |
Jake White | 5 for 54 | 3rd May 2015 | H | Horley |
Dominic Pope | 5 for 55 | 4th July 2009 | H | Merrow |
Moazzam Ali | 5 for 59 | 25th June 2005 | A | Old Sinjuns |
Moazzam Ali | 5 for 59 | 3rd May 2003 | H | Thames Ditton |
Jarrod Lange | 5 for 59 | 3rd August 2013 | H | Chaldon CMO |
Kyle Hollingworth | 5 for 59 | 3rd August | H | Chaldon CMO |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 60 | 15th May 2010 | A | Deando Ruxley |
Adam Burlison | 5 for 69 | 11th June 2016 | H | Putney |
Moazzam Ali | 5 for 71 | 2nd July 2005 | H | Chaldon CMO |
Azhar Abbas | 5 for 71 | 31st July 2004 | A | Chobham |
Azhar Abbas | 5 for 71 | 2nd July 2005 | H | Chaldon CMO |
Ian Barnard | 5 for 72 | 23rd July 2011 | A | Chaldon CMO |
Kulbir Gill | 5 for 74 | 21st June 2003 | H | Haselmere |
Dom Brown | 5 for 82 | 15th June 2019 | A | West End |
Kyle Hollingworth | 5 for 84 | 18th August 2012 | H | Whiteley Village |
Farid Butt | 5 for 91 | 9th August 2003 | H | Sinjuns |
Steve Baldwin | 10 for 27 | 13th August 1994 | H | Puttenham |
Matthew Dixon | 8 for 38 | 25th May 2013 | A | Long Ditton |
Jarrod Lange | 8 for 44 | 22nd August 2009 | A | Roehampton |
Clive Couzens | 8 for 67 | 22nd July 2006 | H | Chobham |
Clive Couzens | 7 for 35 | 14th May 2005 | A | Chobham |
Nick Bond | 7 for 38 | 24th June 2017 | H | Ham & Petersham |
Clive Couzens | 7 for 56 | 11th June 2005 | A | Byfleet |
Asim Iqbal | 7 for 64 | 4th June 2016 | A | London Gymkhana |
Jake Hardman | 7 for 67 | 19th June 2010 | H | Old Tiffinians |
Mark Ransom | 6 for 6 | 11th August 2007 | A | Ewhurst |
Asim Iqbal | 6 for 18 | 25th August 2007 | H | Carshalton |
Mark Ransom | 6 for 22 | 25th June 2005 | H | Old Hamptonians |
Tom Peskett | 6 for 37 | 11th June 2011 | H | Kingstonian |
Jake Hardman | 6 for 37 | 28th June 2008 | A | Carshalton |
Asim Iqbal | 6 for 39 | 4th August 2007 | A | Merrow |
Jeremy Copp | 6 for 52 | 10th July 1999 | A | Godalming |
Asad Iqbal | 6 for 57 | 31st July 2004 | H | Chobham |
Clive Couzens | 6 for 60 | 7th June 2003 | H | Old Rutlishians |
Asim Iqbal | 6 for 70 | 14th July 2007 | H | Long Ditton |
Matt Dixon | 5 for 3 | 4th July 2015 | H | Wandgas |
Harrison Green (age 14) | 5 for 4 | 2nd August 2014 | H | Wandgas |
Alex Cooper (age 17) | 5 for 4 | 12th August 2017 | H | Wandgas |
Jarrod Lange | 5 for 8 | 25th July 2009 | H | Ewhurst |
Joel Stroud (age 15) | 5 for 9 | 8th August 2015 | A | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Harrison Green (age 15) | 5 for 11 | 9th May 2015 | H | Hook & Southborough |
Jarrod Lange | 5 for 16 | 30th May 2009 | A | Westfield Saints |
Jarrod Lange | 5 for 16 | 23rd May 2009 | H | Carshalton |
Harry Mead (age 15) | 5 for 17 | 26th August 2017 | A | Worplesdon & Burpham |
Ollie Tebbitts | 5 for 20 | 12th June 2021 | H | Churt |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 20 | 31st May 2008 | H | Ewhurst |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 20 | 3rd August 2019 | A | Teddington Town |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 22 | 24th July 2021 | A | Whiteley Village |
Ben Williams | 5 for 22 | 25th July 2009 | H | Ewhurst |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 23 | 20th June 2015 | H | Frimley |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 23 | 4th July 2009 | A | Deando Ruxley |
Moirano | 5 for 27 | 5th Sept 1976 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 29 | 4th June 2005 | H | Shepperton |
Mark Ransom | 5 for 29 | 28th June 2003 | H | Frimley |
Jake White | 5 for 30 | 18th May 2013 | H | Old Tenisonians |
Mark Ransom | 5 for 31 | 30th August 2003 | A | Englefield Green |
Sam Partridge (Age 14) | 5 for 34 | 22nd June 2019 | A | Weybridge Vandals |
Ben Lumsden | 5 for 36 | 1st August 2015 | A | Hook & Southborough |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 36 | 28th July 2018 | H | London Gymkhana |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 37 | 30th August 2008 | A | Frimley |
Mark Ransom | 5 for 38 | 20th August 2005 | A | Whiteley Village |
Mark Ransom | 5 for 38 | 21st June 2003 | A | Horley |
Mark West | 5 for 38 | 31st May 2014 | A | Claygate |
Rob Gibbons | 5 for 39 | 19th July 2014 | A | Englefield Green |
Jake Hardman | 5 for 39 | 19th July 2008 | H | Roehampton |
Nick Bond | 5 for 39 | 15th July 2017 | A | Chobham |
Jarrod Lange | 5 for 41 | 16th May 2009 | H | Whiteley Village |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 41 | 10th May 2008 | A | Long Ditton |
David Jones | 5 for 42 | 14th June 2014 | H | Sheen Park |
Dominic Pope | 5 for 42 | 21st May 2011 | H | Wandgas |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 42 | 12th July 2003 | A | Southern Railway and Kenley |
Josh White | 5 for 43 | 21st July 2018 | H | Haslemere |
Tom Peskett | 5 for 45 | 1st Sept 2012 | A | Chaldon CMO |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 46 | 26th June 2004 | H | Ripley |
Salman Butt | 5 for 48 | 12th May 2012 | A | Battersea Ironsides |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 50 | 20th June 2009 | A | Wandgas |
Joseph Roberts | 5 for 51 | 16th June 2018 | H | Frimley |
Jake White | 5 for 53 | 29th June 2013 | H | Wandgas |
D Jarvis | 5 for 53 | 30th May 1992 | H | Godalming |
Steve Baldwin | 5 for 54 | 7th July 2001 | A | Godalming |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 57 | 17th July 2004 | H | Woodmansterne |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 62 | 20th July 2002 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 69 | 24th May 2003 | A | Whiteley Village |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 76 | 24th July 2004 | A | Byfleet |
Cameron Walters (age 14) | 5 for 76 | 5th July 2014 | A | Old Tenisonians |
Will Mead | 5 for 85 | 11th August 2012 | H | Long Ditton |
Dominic Pope | 5 for 92 | 13th August 2011 | A | Long Ditton |
Asim Iqbal | 8 for 20 | 12th July 2020 | H | Cranleigh |
Tom Cobb (age 14) | 6 for 36 | 13th August 2017 | A | East Horsley |
Ollie Tebbits | 5 for 14 | 8th May 2022 | H | Newdigate |
Cameron Walters (age 14) | 5 for 44 | 7th Sept 2014 | H | Grafham & Westbrook |
Will Mead | 5 for 48 | 26th May 2013 | A | Westcott |
Simon Fuller | 5 for 43 | 27th May 2018 | A | Capel |
P Dixon | 8 for 13 | 8th Sept 1974 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
P Dixon | 7 for 62 | 7th Sept 1980 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Nick Bond | 6 for 18 | 20th July 2014 | H | Old Freemans |
Nick Bond | 6 for 18 | 6th July 2014 | A | Mickleham |
D H Evans | 6 for 32 | 5th Sept 1982 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Rob Gibbons | 5 for 3 | 18th Sept 2016 | A | Leatherhead |
Will Bleby | 5 for 6 | 7th August 2011 | H | Wisley Southside |
Saddleton | 5 for 10 | 6th June 1971 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Sam Cobb (Age 14) | 5 for 16 | 30th June 2019 | A | Mickleham |
Joseph Roberts | 5 for 18 | 17th Sept 2017 | A | Abinger |
P Kent | 5 for 24 | 6th Sept 1981 | A | Stoke D’Abernon |
Tom Peskett | 5 for 28 | 22nd August 2010 | H | Seven Sports |
Dominic Brown | 5 for 32 | 21st June 2009 | H | Leatherhead |
Adam Burlison | 5 for 42 | 19th June 2011 | H | Leatherhead |
Fred Sculthorpe | 5 for 48 | 26th July 2009 | H | Wimbledon Coronthians |
Tom Kendall | 5 for 51 | 5th Sept 2010 | H | Temple Shene Eccentrics |
Clive Couzens | 5 for 76 | 8th Sept 1985 | H | Stoke D’Abernon |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 77 | 30th April 2011 | A | Chobham |
Steve Baldwin | 8 for 27 | 10th May 2003 | A | Frimley |
Malcolm Howard | 6 for 24 | 24th May 2003 | H | Spencer |
James Roberts | 5 for 9 | 14th August 2004 | H | Ripley |
Will Smith | 5 for 20 | 5th July 2003 | A | Merstham |
Malcolm Howard | 5 for 24 | 14th June 2003 | H | Chobham |
Ian Barnard | 5 for 62 | 21st May 2005 | H | Old Pauline |
Adam Burlison | 7 for 24 | 25th June 2009 | H | West End (Esher) |
Anthony Brown | 5 for 12 | 5th July 2021 | H | Dorking |
Chris Fewson | 5 for 15 | 22nd July 2019 | A | Horsley & Send |
Nick Bond | 5 for 16 | 26th June 2017 | H | Headley Dragons |
Alex Cooper | 5 for 26 | 7th May 2018 | A | Old Wimbledonians |
Jake White | 5 for 11 | 14th July 2017 | H | Invitational XI |
Asim Iqbal | 5 for 77 | 30th April 2017 | H | Chobham |
- Men's 1st XI
Azhar Abbas 9 for 36 19th June 2004 H Sanderstead Farid Butt 9 for 44 28th July 2007 A Wandgas Azhar Abbas 8 for 18 28th August 2004 A Staines Azhar Abbas 8 for 21 5th June 2004 A Haslemere Azhar Abbas 8 for 24 21st May 2005 A Sanderstead Azhar Abbas 8 for 31 15th May 2004 H Frimley Azhar Abbas 8 for 48 20th August 2005 H Staines Adam Burlison 8 for 51 19th July 2014 H Englefield Green Moazzam Ali 8 for 52 31st May 2003 A Chobham Nick Procter 8 for 55 23rd July 2016 H Sheen Park Moazzam Ali 8 for 65 5th July 2003 A Weybridge Vandals Azhar Abbas 7 for 19 27th August 2005 A Weybridge Vandals Craig Hayward 7 for 24 5th June 2021 H Guildford City Youth Project T Cousins 7 for 25 26th June 1999 H Stoke D’Abernon Matthew Dixon 7 for 31 5th July 2014 H Old Tiffians Azhar Abbas 7 for 36 21st August 2004 H Old Tiffians Azhar Abbas 7 for 40 24th July 2004 H Byfleet Azhar Abbas 7 for 40 28th May 2005 H Godalming Azhar Abbas 7 for 45 7th May 2005 A Frimley Dom Brown 7 for 57 12th June 2021 A Woodmansterne Azhar Abbas 7 for 62 3rd Sept 2005 A Valley End Nick Procter 6 for 7 16th July 2016 A Chobham Anthony Brown 6 for 10 3rd June 2018 A Morden Asim Iqbal 6 for 19 25th June 2011 H Hampton Hill Moazzam Ali 6 for 34 9th July 2005 A Albury Farid Butt 6 for 37 20th July 2002 H Stoke D’Abernon Azhar Abbas 6 for 40 11th June 2005 H Byfleet Salman Butt 6 for 42 4th June 2011 H Deando Ruxley Azhar Abbas 6 for 46 3rd July 2004 A Godalming Azhar Abbas 6 for 48 14th August 2004 A Old Alleynians Farid Butt 6 for 51 4th August 2007 H Godalming Will Sowerby 6 for 51 30th August 2008 H Caterham Azhar Abbas 6 for 52 18th June 2005 H Sinjun Grammarians Kubir Gill 6 for 55 7th June 2003 A Old Pauline Zia Ul Hasan 6 for 60 26th August 2006 A Valley End Mumtaz Ali 6 for 68 18th May 2002 A Valley End Dom Brown 6 for 71 8th May 2022 H Lingfield Anthony Brown 5 for 5 18th August 2018 H Frimley Alan Attenborough 5 for 6 17th June 1995 H Stoke D’Abernon Dom Brown 5 for 8 11th May 2019 H Ham & Petersham Alex Cooper 5 for 9 17th July 2021 A Claygate Nick Procter 5 for 10 15th August 2015 H Ewhurst Zia Ul Hasan 5 for 16 8th July 2006 H Kempton Nick Procter 5 for 18 13th May 2017 A Mitcham Anthony Brown 5 for 21 24th July H Putney Dom Brown 5 for 21 14th August H Woodmansterne Chris Fewson 5 for 22 8th August 2020 A Ripley Chris Fewson 5 for 24 28th Augsut 2021 H Shepperton Chris Fewson 5 for 25 1st August 2020 H Godalming Nick Procter 5 for 25 11th July 2015 A Merton Dom Brown 5 for 25 6th August 2016 A Woodmansterne Matthew Dixon 5 for 25 10th August 2013 H Ewhurst Peter Kooner 5 for 26 5th May 2002 A Southbank Dominic Pope 5 for 26 28th August 2010 H Merrow Nick Procter 5 for 28 4th July 2015 A Old Tiffians Henry Grant 5 for 28 26th June 2010 H Worplesdon & Burpham Asim Iqbal 5 for 28 13th August 2011 H Long Ditton Caleb Whitefoord 5 for 28 2nd September 2017 H Ripley Farid Butt 5 for 31 26th July 2003 A Roehampton Alex Cooper 5 for 32 1st Sept 2018 H Old Tenisonians A Khan 5 for 33 2nd Sept 2006 H Byfleet Josh White 5 for 34 13th July 2013 A Merton Moazzam Ali 5 for 34 30th July 2005 A Roehampton Adam Burlison 5 for 35 25th July 2015 A Englefield Green Kyle Hollingworth 5 for 35 1st June 2013 A Horley Farid Butt 5 for 36 12th July 2003 H Leatherhead Anthony Brown 5 for 36 21st July 2018 A Ripley Craig Hayward 5 for 38 26th June 2021 A Shepperton Nick Procter 5 for 38 20th June 2015 A Ewhurst J Sewerby 5 for 38 2nd August 2008 H Byfleet Charlie Forbes 5 for 41 15th July 2017 H Thames Ditton Dom Brown 5 for 42 20th July 2019 H Merton Kyle Hollingworth 5 for 43 2nd June 2012 H Putney Salman Butt 5 for 49 21st May 2011 A Wandgas Anthony Brown 5 for 52 1st June 2019 A Teddington Town Moazzam Ali 5 for 53 6th Sept 2003 A Carshalton Jake White 5 for 54 3rd May 2015 H Horley Dominic Pope 5 for 55 4th July 2009 H Merrow Moazzam Ali 5 for 59 25th June 2005 A Old Sinjuns Moazzam Ali 5 for 59 3rd May 2003 H Thames Ditton Jarrod Lange 5 for 59 3rd August 2013 H Chaldon CMO Kyle Hollingworth 5 for 59 3rd August H Chaldon CMO Asim Iqbal 5 for 60 15th May 2010 A Deando Ruxley Adam Burlison 5 for 69 11th June 2016 H Putney Moazzam Ali 5 for 71 2nd July 2005 H Chaldon CMO Azhar Abbas 5 for 71 31st July 2004 A Chobham Azhar Abbas 5 for 71 2nd July 2005 H Chaldon CMO Ian Barnard 5 for 72 23rd July 2011 A Chaldon CMO Kulbir Gill 5 for 74 21st June 2003 H Haselmere Dom Brown 5 for 82 15th June 2019 A West End Kyle Hollingworth 5 for 84 18th August 2012 H Whiteley Village Farid Butt 5 for 91 9th August 2003 H Sinjuns - Men's 2nd XI
Steve Baldwin 10 for 27 13th August 1994 H Puttenham Matthew Dixon 8 for 38 25th May 2013 A Long Ditton Jarrod Lange 8 for 44 22nd August 2009 A Roehampton Clive Couzens 8 for 67 22nd July 2006 H Chobham Clive Couzens 7 for 35 14th May 2005 A Chobham Nick Bond 7 for 38 24th June 2017 H Ham & Petersham Clive Couzens 7 for 56 11th June 2005 A Byfleet Asim Iqbal 7 for 64 4th June 2016 A London Gymkhana Jake Hardman 7 for 67 19th June 2010 H Old Tiffinians Mark Ransom 6 for 6 11th August 2007 A Ewhurst Asim Iqbal 6 for 18 25th August 2007 H Carshalton Mark Ransom 6 for 22 25th June 2005 H Old Hamptonians Tom Peskett 6 for 37 11th June 2011 H Kingstonian Jake Hardman 6 for 37 28th June 2008 A Carshalton Asim Iqbal 6 for 39 4th August 2007 A Merrow Jeremy Copp 6 for 52 10th July 1999 A Godalming Asad Iqbal 6 for 57 31st July 2004 H Chobham Clive Couzens 6 for 60 7th June 2003 H Old Rutlishians Asim Iqbal 6 for 70 14th July 2007 H Long Ditton Matt Dixon 5 for 3 4th July 2015 H Wandgas Harrison Green (age 14) 5 for 4 2nd August 2014 H Wandgas Alex Cooper (age 17) 5 for 4 12th August 2017 H Wandgas Jarrod Lange 5 for 8 25th July 2009 H Ewhurst Joel Stroud (age 15) 5 for 9 8th August 2015 A Worplesdon & Burpham Harrison Green (age 15) 5 for 11 9th May 2015 H Hook & Southborough Jarrod Lange 5 for 16 30th May 2009 A Westfield Saints Jarrod Lange 5 for 16 23rd May 2009 H Carshalton Harry Mead (age 15) 5 for 17 26th August 2017 A Worplesdon & Burpham Ollie Tebbitts 5 for 20 12th June 2021 H Churt Asim Iqbal 5 for 20 31st May 2008 H Ewhurst Asim Iqbal 5 for 20 3rd August 2019 A Teddington Town Asim Iqbal 5 for 22 24th July 2021 A Whiteley Village Ben Williams 5 for 22 25th July 2009 H Ewhurst Asim Iqbal 5 for 23 20th June 2015 H Frimley Asim Iqbal 5 for 23 4th July 2009 A Deando Ruxley Moirano 5 for 27 5th Sept 1976 A Stoke D’Abernon Clive Couzens 5 for 29 4th June 2005 H Shepperton Mark Ransom 5 for 29 28th June 2003 H Frimley Jake White 5 for 30 18th May 2013 H Old Tenisonians Mark Ransom 5 for 31 30th August 2003 A Englefield Green Sam Partridge (Age 14) 5 for 34 22nd June 2019 A Weybridge Vandals Ben Lumsden 5 for 36 1st August 2015 A Hook & Southborough Anthony Brown 5 for 36 28th July 2018 H London Gymkhana Anthony Brown 5 for 37 30th August 2008 A Frimley Mark Ransom 5 for 38 20th August 2005 A Whiteley Village Mark Ransom 5 for 38 21st June 2003 A Horley Mark West 5 for 38 31st May 2014 A Claygate Rob Gibbons 5 for 39 19th July 2014 A Englefield Green Jake Hardman 5 for 39 19th July 2008 H Roehampton Nick Bond 5 for 39 15th July 2017 A Chobham Jarrod Lange 5 for 41 16th May 2009 H Whiteley Village Asim Iqbal 5 for 41 10th May 2008 A Long Ditton David Jones 5 for 42 14th June 2014 H Sheen Park Dominic Pope 5 for 42 21st May 2011 H Wandgas Clive Couzens 5 for 42 12th July 2003 A Southern Railway and Kenley Josh White 5 for 43 21st July 2018 H Haslemere Tom Peskett 5 for 45 1st Sept 2012 A Chaldon CMO Clive Couzens 5 for 46 26th June 2004 H Ripley Salman Butt 5 for 48 12th May 2012 A Battersea Ironsides Asim Iqbal 5 for 50 20th June 2009 A Wandgas Joseph Roberts 5 for 51 16th June 2018 H Frimley Jake White 5 for 53 29th June 2013 H Wandgas D Jarvis 5 for 53 30th May 1992 H Godalming Steve Baldwin 5 for 54 7th July 2001 A Godalming Clive Couzens 5 for 57 17th July 2004 H Woodmansterne Clive Couzens 5 for 62 20th July 2002 A Stoke D’Abernon Clive Couzens 5 for 69 24th May 2003 A Whiteley Village Clive Couzens 5 for 76 24th July 2004 A Byfleet Cameron Walters (age 14) 5 for 76 5th July 2014 A Old Tenisonians Will Mead 5 for 85 11th August 2012 H Long Ditton Dominic Pope 5 for 92 13th August 2011 A Long Ditton - Women's 1st XI
Asim Iqbal 8 for 20 12th July 2020 H Cranleigh Tom Cobb (age 14) 6 for 36 13th August 2017 A East Horsley Ollie Tebbits 5 for 14 8th May 2022 H Newdigate Cameron Walters (age 14) 5 for 44 7th Sept 2014 H Grafham & Westbrook Will Mead 5 for 48 26th May 2013 A Westcott Simon Fuller 5 for 43 27th May 2018 A Capel - Sunday XI
P Dixon 8 for 13 8th Sept 1974 A Stoke D’Abernon P Dixon 7 for 62 7th Sept 1980 A Stoke D’Abernon Nick Bond 6 for 18 20th July 2014 H Old Freemans Nick Bond 6 for 18 6th July 2014 A Mickleham D H Evans 6 for 32 5th Sept 1982 A Stoke D’Abernon Rob Gibbons 5 for 3 18th Sept 2016 A Leatherhead Will Bleby 5 for 6 7th August 2011 H Wisley Southside Saddleton 5 for 10 6th June 1971 H Stoke D’Abernon Sam Cobb (Age 14) 5 for 16 30th June 2019 A Mickleham Joseph Roberts 5 for 18 17th Sept 2017 A Abinger P Kent 5 for 24 6th Sept 1981 A Stoke D’Abernon Tom Peskett 5 for 28 22nd August 2010 H Seven Sports Dominic Brown 5 for 32 21st June 2009 H Leatherhead Adam Burlison 5 for 42 19th June 2011 H Leatherhead Fred Sculthorpe 5 for 48 26th July 2009 H Wimbledon Coronthians Tom Kendall 5 for 51 5th Sept 2010 H Temple Shene Eccentrics Clive Couzens 5 for 76 8th Sept 1985 H Stoke D’Abernon Asim Iqbal 5 for 77 30th April 2011 A Chobham - 3rd XI
Steve Baldwin 8 for 27 10th May 2003 A Frimley Malcolm Howard 6 for 24 24th May 2003 H Spencer James Roberts 5 for 9 14th August 2004 H Ripley Will Smith 5 for 20 5th July 2003 A Merstham Malcolm Howard 5 for 24 14th June 2003 H Chobham Ian Barnard 5 for 62 21st May 2005 H Old Pauline - T20
Adam Burlison 7 for 24 25th June 2009 H West End (Esher) Anthony Brown 5 for 12 5th July 2021 H Dorking Chris Fewson 5 for 15 22nd July 2019 A Horsley & Send Nick Bond 5 for 16 26th June 2017 H Headley Dragons Alex Cooper 5 for 26 7th May 2018 A Old Wimbledonians - Club XI
Jake White 5 for 11 14th July 2017 H Invitational XI Asim Iqbal 5 for 77 30th April 2017 H Chobham

Appearances – 100 Caps
Men’s 1st XI | Debut | 100th Cap |
Farid Butt | 19th May 2001 | 4th July 2009 |
Jake White | 12th May 2007 | 1st July 2017 |
Josh White | 12th May 2007 | 24th June 2017 |
Adam Burlison | 7th May 2011 | 8th July 2017 |
Men’s 2nd XI | Debut | 100th Cap |
Asim Iqbal | 5th May 2003 | 17th May 2014 |
Adrian Tomlinson | 7th June 2003 | 13th August 2011 |
Mal Russell | 15th August 1998 | 26th August 2017 |
Adam Burlison
Former Club Captain
“To make 100 appearances for a individual team within your club requires commitment, durability and consistency.
At Effingham, 100 appearances in either the 1XI or 2XI is currently a niche group of players. I look forward to many more achieving this particular landmark.”