The Effingham Village Recreation Trust is a registered charity that came into being in 2009 as a successor to the ‘King George’s Field and Hall’ charity.
Its main objective is to provide social and recreational facilities for the Parish of Effingham and its immediate neighbourhood. This principally covers the King George V Hall and Playing Fields in Effingham Village but it also includes the common land on which The Calburn Cricket Field, home to Effingham Cricket Club, is situated.
Discussions are currently underway with EVRT to achieve a long-term arrangement for the Club to secure its occupancy at The Calburn Cricket Field. Once completed it is hoped this will place ECC in a better position to secure much needed grants and other funds from various cricketing and other governmental bodies to improve further the facilities we are able to provide users of the Club and common.
Given its interest as the effective landlord to ECC, EVRT pays close attention to the upkeep of our ground and the activities carried out on it. In recent times EVRT’s support of ECC and its plans for modernising and improving the facilities for players, members and visitors alike has been unstinting. This is well-illustrated by EVRT being instrumental in assisting the Club secure funding from Effingham Parish Council for the security bollards installed along the roadside boundary edge of the ground in September 2016. Without EVRT’s support in the Club’s funding application to the Parish Council, the much-needed security provided by the bollards would not have been possible.
Former EVRT Chair
Gill Bowerman
“The Cricket Club have a team of enthusiastic members and they are working hard to improve their facilities. EVRT is delighted to support ventures that provide recreation to include all members of our community.”
EVRT can be contacted via email or by post.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees,
King George V Hall, Browns Lane,
Effingham, Surrey,
KT24 5ND