Policies and Welfare
Effingham Cricket Club (ECC) is committed to the highest standards of care, supervision and behaviour throughout the club. ECC has developed the following club policies to ensure the welfare and enjoyment of everyone attending the club. Members and guests are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these policies and to immediately raise any concerns with any member of the club committee.
Code of Conduct for Effingham Cricket Club Members and Guests
All Members and Guests of Effingham Cricket Club will:
- Respect the rights, dignity and value of every person within the context of cricket;
- Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief;
- Not tolerate any form of discrimination;
- Display high standards of sporting behaviour and adopt the principle of fair play within the game of cricket;
- Encourage all participants to play within the Laws and Rules of cricket and respect the decisions of match officials;
- Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials;
- Recognise good performance not just match results;
- Prioritise the well-being and safety of young people;
- Respect young people’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in cricket;
- Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with young people in the Club. Young people are not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol or banned substances of any kind on Club premises or whilst representing the Club;
- Follow ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued; and
- Report any concerns in relation to the treatment or welfare of a young person with the Club’s Child Welfare Officer, Richard Harold [(Tel. 07834 597375 ]).
Additionally, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:
- Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance;
- Always work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment);
- Know and understand ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’;
- Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young player’s full consent and approval; and
- Attend appropriate training to keep up to date with their role and especially with respect to the Safeguarding of young people.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020
Effingham Cricket Club Junior Player Code
At Effingham Cricket Club we want you to enjoy your cricket and stay safe. To make that happen, always remember:
- Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take advantage of any player;
- Do not let others get away with discrimination or bullying;
- Tell an adult if you have concerns about how you or a team mate is being treated.
- Pay attention at all training sessions;
- Wear proper cricket kit for training and matches.
- Be a good sportsman – win or lose;
- Applaud good performances by other players: be a good team player;
- Never abuse team mates, opponents or umpires;
- Respect and do not question the umpires’ decisions.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020
Effingham Cricket Club Inclusion & Diversity Policy
Effingham Cricket Club (“ECC”) is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket and to ensuring that its Members and others working or volunteering for the Club, and participating in or watching ECC’s activities, are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation. ECC
- Will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably against on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation;
- Will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of individuals;
- Will endeavour to create access and opportunities for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in its activities.
- Will ensure that it complies with the requirements of Equality legislation and will take reasonable steps to ensure that its Members and volunteers adhere to relevant requirements and this policy.
- Is committed to the investigation of any claims when brought to its attention, of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where any claim is proved.
Reporting of complaints
- In the event that any Member, volunteer, participant or spectator feels that s/he has suffered discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation, they should report the matter in writing to the Chairman of ECC.
- Any such report should include: details of what occurred; when and where the occurrence took place; any witness details and copies of any witness statements.
- Upon receipt of such report the Chairman (or such other ECC Committee Member as the Chairman shall direct (“Appointee”)):
- may decide (at his/her sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing;
- may (at his/her sole discretion) hold a hearing at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case;
- will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy: (a) warn as to future conduct; (b) suspend from Membership; (c) remove from Membership; (d) exclude a non-Member from Club facilities, either temporarily or permanently; and (e) turn down a non-Member’s current and/or future Membership application; and
- will provide both parties with written reasons for the decision.
- A party may appeal a decision of the Chairman or Appointee to the Surrey County Cricket board by writing to the Board within 3 months of ECC’s decision being notified to that party; and
- If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the Chairman of ECC, the complainant may report the complaint directly to the Surrey County Cricket Board.
This policy is supported by ECC’s Officers and Committee who are responsible for its implementation.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020
The Good Player’s Guide
Effingham Cricket Club’s players are encouraged to:
- Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by coaches, parents, match officials and administrators in providing the opportunity for you to play the game of cricket and enjoy the cricket environment;
- Understand the values of loyalty and commitment to adults and team mates;
- Recognise that every young person has a right to expect their involvement in Cricket to be safe and free from all types of abuse;
- Understand that if an individual or group of young players feel they are not being treated in a manner that is acceptable, then you have a right to tell an adult either at the Club or outside of the game.
Players should:
- Play because you want to, not to please coaches or parents;
- Remember that skill development, fun and enjoyment are the most important parts of the game;
- Be attentive at all training and coaching sessions;
- Work equally hard for yourself and your team – both will then benefit;
- Wear suitable kit for training and matches as required with the coach/team manager/captain;
- Pay any fees for training and matches promptly;
- Be a sportsman – win or lose;
- Play to the Laws and Rules of cricket and accept, without question, all umpires’ decisions;
- Control your emotions. Verbal or physical abuse of team mates, opponents, or match officials is not acceptable; and
- Treat all players, as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take advantage of any player.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020
The Parent’s and Good Spectator’s Guide
Parents and spectators of Effingham Cricket Club cricket should:
- Remember young people play cricket for their enjoyment not yours.
- Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all youngsters irrespective of the team for whom they play;
- Respect umpires’ decisions. Remember they are volunteers providing an opportunity for ECC Members to play cricket;
- Never verbally abuse players, umpires, fellow spectators or coaches. Such behaviour can create a negative environment for youngsters and their behaviour will often reflect this;
- Acknowledge effort and good performance rather than ‘win at all costs’ ethic.
- Verbally encourage all youngsters in a positive way; and
- Encourage all players irrespective of their ability – never ridicule any individual player, regardless of the team for whom they play.
Parents are encouraged to:
- Be familiar with the coaching and training programme in order that you can ensure that your child is fully involved and the coaches are aware of their availability;
- Be familiar with the teaching and coaching methods used by observing the sessions in which your child participates.
- Be realistic about young players’ abilities; do not push them towards a level that they are not capable of achieving;
- Be aware that the Club has a duty of care and therefore, where appropriate, assist coaches with the supervision of the young players, particularly where numbers are large and there is a need to transport youngsters to away games;
- Be involved with Club activities and share your expertise; and
- Share concerns, if you have them, with Club Officials.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020
Photography and Video Camera Policy
Parents will not be prevented from taking pictures of, or filming, their children. These are normal family practices and help mark milestones in a child’s life. Similarly, Effingham Cricket Club (“ECC”) is keen to record the achievements of its Members, including young players, and from time to time use images of our cricket on our website and other media. ECC is, however, conscious that some people may use our matches and training sessions as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or film footage of children. These individuals could attend the Club allowing people to presume they are related to a child involved. It is also the possible that if a picture and name was placed in local media the information could be used as a ‘grooming’ tool.
Consent and Practice
- Photographs / images are not to be taken at matches or training without the prior permission of the parents/carers of the children. Completion of the player’s profile form will constitute the necessary permission, unless permission is specifically noted on the form as being refused.
- If no consent has been given for a child, then it is to be made known to the relevant person of the other team (e.g. coach/team manager) so that the appropriate person/s taking photos for the other team is aware and can avoid taking photos of that particular child.
- The children should be informed (i) that a person will be taking photographs and (ii) that if they have concerns they can report these to the coach or team manager.
- If we use video as a coaching aid, material taken in connection with coaching will be stored securely and must be deleted/destroyed when a parent requests this, or when the material is no longer needed.
- No photographic or recording equipment should be used in changing rooms or toilet facilities at any time.
- Concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer, Richard Harold [(Tel. 07834 597375 )], and recorded in the same manner as any other child protection concern.
Publishing Images Policy
- ECC will ask for parental/carer permission to use their child’s image and, wherever possible, show the image to the parents and child in advance. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image will be used to represent cricket and ECC.
- Except in cases where prior parental consent has been provided, if a child is named in an ECC publication his/her photograph will not be used and if a photograph is used, ECC will not name the child.
- ECC will only use images of children in appropriate kit (training or competition), to reduce the risk of inappropriate use, and to provide positive images of the children.
- ECC encourages the reporting of inappropriate use of images of children. If you are concerned, report your concerns to the Club Welfare Officer.
- ECC understands there are circumstances under which a parent/carer would not want their child to be photographed. Whilst the club will do all it can to ensure the safety of children during games, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer concerned to ensure that if necessary their child is not photographed or videotaped. The Club is not able to supervise individual children during cricket activities/competitions.
Approved by Effingham Cricket Club Committee April 2020